The purpose of the club
As Northern Irelands only Skydiving facility, our members and instructors are passionate and proud about their sport and facilities. Althouigh all of our instructors are part-timers, they dedicate a large porportion of their free time most weeks to participate in the sport on a voluntary basis with the sole purpose of introducing members of the public and increasing the profile of the sport. We have a clubhouse on site which was the 1st purpose built catering facility & club house in the UK in 1998 which the public can spectate the sport from in comfort. We are a club in the true sense of the word, in that we operate by elected committee members that are all active sports skydivers that are responsible for directing the sport of parachuting in Northern Ireland.
Wild Geese Skydive Club Ltd is a non-profit making club run by its members for its members working with Skydive Ireland Ltd as a company limited by guarantee, without any shareholders, all surplus funds are used solely for the purpose of developing and improving the skydiving activities of its members at Movenis Airfield.
Any person wishing to make a parachute jump from an aircraft of must first become a member.
Membership is free to anyone wishing to actively participate in sport parachuting, from complete beginner to experienced skydiver, (subject to normal British Parachute Association and Civil Aviation Authority safety requirements) with all the affairs of the club being conducted in accordance with its Articles of Association.
The purpose of the club is to arrange the provisions and operation of a turbine aircraft (C208) for the pusposes of amateur skydiving and parachuting at Movenis Airfield / Northern Ireland all year round.
Participation on a low or modest income
We are a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC), and our aim is to allow all within the community to take part. Any person on a low or modest income who can demonstrate that they cannot afford to participate in our sport on a regular basis due to the associated costs, can apply to the club secretary for a reduced rate all-inclusive training, insurance and annual jump package with free access to rental equipment. Each applicant will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and once the membership commitee has approved the applicant, the fee for this membership package will be £520 and payable to the Club on the 1st date of training. Our Purpose is to promote the sport of Skydiving in Northern Ireland and to extend agrueably the best facilities in the UK to the whole community regardless of sex, ethnicity, race or background. Please apply using this contact form.
the North coast demo display team (Parachute Displays)
We have the experience and resources to provide parachuting displays for your events. These are priced and organised on an individual basis. Please contact us to ask about specific requests. We need at least 28 days notice to submit requests to the CAA so please give us as much notice as possible.
How much does it cost to do one jump on a weekly basis as a solo sports jumper? After your training, if you were to jump on a weeky basis regardlerss of weather all year round (52 weeks / jumps x £30 per jump) the cost would amount to £1560. We have members that have done as little as 2 jumps in any particular year and we have some that have done as many as 200!
I want to be involved with the club however I dont want to or im not able to jump anymore. (for example: Medical Reasons). Its possible to actively participate in the sport of parachuting on a weekly basis without completing a single decsent. We have members that pack parachutes and have never skydived as well as members that have a long history of skydiving and still attend to help out on a weekly basis but dont jump anymore.
How much is the parachuting equipment, and how much is it to rent on a per jump basis? Parachute equipment can be expensive to purchase and maintain, however the purpose of the club is to facilitate availabilty of appropriate kit for students that are wanting to become a licenced skydivers. In the UK, the rules state that you must hold an endorsed packing certificate to pack any particular parachute system. People that are qualified, typically charge £5 for one parachute pack-job. Club members are always happy to teach new students how to pack sports and student parachutes for free. Members are able to access rig hire for £10 per jump.
I really want to get involved and participitate on a regular basis. Is there anything I can do to offset some cost and is it even possible to work in skydiving? Yes. by learning how to pack (for free) you can pack sports, student and tandem parachutes to pay for jump tickets!
Club Minutes
2- 2024 AGM (TBC)