Terms and Conditions

1. Booking Deposits, Payment & Discount.

1.     Bookings, Deposits & Vouchers are transferable but NOT refundable under any & all circumstances (this includes weather conditions, aircraft availability and staff availability). All skydives must be paid for in full before skydiving.

2.     Vouchers are valid for 12 months, which may be revalidated at a rate of £35 for each additional 4-month period required. Only 1 voucher per booking accepted

3.     Should individuals fail to turn up for their booked time slot, deposits are forfeited & there will be a £99 fee for a new time slot and deposit.

4.     If participants wish to rebook less than seven (7) days before their booked skydive date, a £35 administration fee will be charged.

5.     We have no facilities on site to accept or handle cash. All payments must be made by card or bank transfer. All prices are also subject to change.

6.     Tandem Skydives booked at an altitude of 10,000ft through pre-booking will have the option on the day of the skydive to pay to ‘upgrade’ to a high altitude Jump.

7. Christmas vouchers are valid for 6 months only, which may be revalidated at a rate of £35 for each additional 4-month period required

2. Refunds.

1.     Skydiving is a weather dependant activity. The Chief instructor or delegated deputy makes a qualified decision to skydive or not. In signing up to skydive, participant(s) or their parent/legal guardian(s) need to accept that we cannot skydive in unsuitable conditions and that additional future dates may need to be booked to complete skydives, with no refund being given, should participants elect not, or be unable, to return to skydive at a future date.

2. Sometimes we may need to reschedule your skydive due to unforeseen circumstances such as the plane going away for repairs etc , and will offer you another date or allow you to rebook when you are next available . We can’t offer any refunds should you wish to cancel your booking .

3. Documentation Data Image Capture and Processing.

1.     Prior to Skydiving participants must provide certain information – name, address, email address, contact telephone number, their Date of Birth, Weight, Height and contact details for a nominated emergency contact, all of which in the event of injury or incident will likely be passed to the emergency services & appropriate governing/investigating bodies. All media is stored on site and used as appropriate but not in contravention of GDPR.


 4. Filming & Photographs.

1.     This can be arranged in advance for a fee. If for any reason images are not of a reasonable standard, a refund of the filming fees may be offered, at the discretion of Skydive Ireland management.

2.     You give Skydive Ireland, their agents, and legal representatives the irrevocable right to use your name, or any fictional name, picture, portrait, photograph, image, video or voice in all forms and media and in all manners. You waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written copy that may be created in connection.

3.     All images remain the property of the centre and may even be used as part of its business, i.e., Marketing.


 5. Fitness to Skydive & British Skydiving (BS) Forms

1.     Both Solo & Tandem participants will be required to pass a physical assessment prior to skydiving. For Solo skydivers this will include skydives & rolls, and for Tandem parachutists they must be able to raise legs for a suitable amount of time to simulate landing. Those unable to participate to the required standard will not be cleared to skydive that day, however they may, at the discretion of the Chief Instructor, be allowed to return later for re-assessment.

2.     Prior to training you must have a completed British Skydiving medical form, if necessary, please ask if you are unsure.

3.     Those unable to declare themselves fit on the self-declaration form may be able to complete the skydive with a doctors medical (on Form F115A for Tandem or Form F115C for Solo students). Participants may still be able to take part by taking the appropriate BS Medical Advice Form (F115B for Tandem or F115D for Solo students) to a Dr who may after studying it recommend their participation with, or without, limitation as they deem fit.

4.     All Declarations must be signed by a witness; for 16 & 17 year olds. That witness must be their parent or legal guardian, who must also sign a completed membership agreement (BPA Form 106). All participants should read and will be asked to sign up to the BS Membership Agreement (BS F106) on attending the Centre.

5.     At Skydive Ireland students who exceed the maximum weight guidelines will not be permitted to participate.

6.     Max weight for participants is up to 15st/95kg, or 13st/82kg if the participants is less than 5’4”/163cm. All participants are assessed during training and even if under the weight limit may be deemed unfit to skydive.


If the student is over 95kg the following allowances can be made:

Student is over 5”9’ and exceeds 95Kg:

96kg - 100kg: £30 to be paid on the day.

100kg - 105kg - £60 surcharge to be paid on the day.

All students are subject to assessment on their ability to lift their legs and feet for landing. The chief instructors decision on the day is final.

7.     Those aged 55 years or older of no previous skydiving experience are restricted to undertaking a Tandem skydive only.


6. Insurance

1.     Provisional BS Membership is included within the course fee & affords 3rd party liability insurance cover. Personal Accident Insurance is the responsibility of the applicant.


7. Operating Hours & Conditions.

1.     We aim to skydive from 0830-2030hrs during daylight, when weather is conducive to a safe skydiving operation.

2.     Standard operational days are Saturday and Sunday. Additional days may be planned as required.


8. Scheduling of Training and Skydiving:

1.     Skydive Ireland aims to manifest people in the order they arrive, but for sake of safety, logistics, groups, or weather this may not always be possible. No refunds are made in the event of adverse conditions preventing skydiving, but alternative dates will be offered.

2.     We never promise participants that they will be the first to skydive on any given day or that they will skydive with friends or family, although we will try and facilitate this, within operational constraints.

3.     Solo students MUST attend Daily Revision Training prior to skydiving, sessions are normally planned for 0830hrs.

4.     Solo Student Revision Training is provided free of charge until 1 month has elapsed since last revision training. A fee will be charged for solo student revision training commensurate with the period that has elapsed since their last revision training. After 6 months have elapsed since the last revision training the full course syllabus will have to be retaken, normally on the next scheduled course date for which a fee will be charged for Static Line and AFF students. Current fees are available at the centre.


 9. Alcohol Drugs Smoking & Vaping.

1.     Applicants will not be allowed to skydive whist under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs.

2.     No smoking or vaping is permitted inside or within the proximity of any skydive equipment, aircraft, refuelling facilities or indoor spaces.

3.     Alcohol may only be consumed on the Airfield by non-participating spectators or participants after skydiving.

4.     Participants found to have consumed, or be under the influence of prohibited substances as listed above, will forfeit any funds paid and will be asked to leave the site immediately.

5.     Use of illegal or controlled substances will be reported to the police.


10. Spectators, Non-, Cars, Children & Animals.

1.     No liability is accepted for any cars or visitors entering Airfield boundaries.

2.     Aircraft with turning propellers & skydivers descending under fast canopies present a danger. Members of the public are not allowed in the Hangar or Active Areas, unescorted.

3.     Children must be always supervised by an appropriate adult.

4.     Dogs must always be under control whilst in the public areas, and owners must clear up after their animals

5.     Dogs are not permitted in the hangar.

6.      Skydive Ireland reserves the right to refuse admission or to ask individual(s) to leave.