Safeguarding Adults Policy
The objective of this policy is to ensure that Skydive Ireland adopts a proactive stance and assumes responsibility for safeguarding its employees, volunteers, customers, and visitors. The company recognizes that safeguarding necessitates thorough consideration of all potential risks that may compromise individuals' safety. Therefore, safeguarding practices are prioritized within Skydive Ireland, acknowledging that vulnerability and safeguarding concerns can have both immediate and long-term consequences. Skydive Ireland is firmly committed to upholding the rights and safety of its staff, volunteers, customers, and visitors. This policy is underpinned by comprehensive guidelines and operates in conjunction with the British Skydiving's Instructor Code of Practice. Safety considerations extend beyond operational rules and regulations for the safe conduct of the sport to encompass the protection of all participants—not only from skydiving accidents but also from harm, as outlined in this policy.
This policy extends to all individuals representing Skydive Ireland, including employees, volunteers, instructors, coaches, students, customers, and visitors. It is imperative that all individuals associated with Skydive Ireland, regardless of their role, thoroughly review this policy and its accompanying documents.
· Every adult, irrespective of age, capability, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital or gender status, deserves protection from abuse and negligence, and deserves to engage in activities within a safe and enjoyable environment.
· We uphold the rights, dignity, and value of all adults, understanding that individuals with disabilities may not always self-identify or be recognized as 'at risk.'
· Allegations of misconduct will be treated with utmost seriousness and addressed promptly.
· Skydive Ireland acknowledges the roles and duties of statutory agencies in safeguarding adults and is committed to adhering to the protocols established by the Local Safeguarding Adults Boards.
The practices and procedures outlined in this policy are founded on the principles outlined in UK and international legislation, as well as government guidance. They have been crafted to align with the policies and procedures of Safeguarding Adults Boards and consider the following:
· The Care Act 2004
· The Data Protection Act 1994 and 1998
· The Human Rights Act 1998
· Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
· Equality Act 2010
· Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
· Sexual Offences Act 2003
· Mental Capacity Act 2005
· Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims (Amendment) Act 2012
In the United Kingdom and Ireland, safeguarding refers to the initiatives aimed at safeguarding the health, welfare, and human rights of individuals, ensuring their freedom from abuse and harm as outlined in the Human Rights Act 1998. An adult is classified as anyone aged 18 and above, while a vulnerable adult is an individual aged 18 or older who may lack the capacity to care for themselves or protect themselves from significant harm or exploitation. Safeguarding encompasses:
· Protecting the right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
· People and organisations working together to prevent the risk of abuse or neglect, and to stop cases from happening.
· Making sure a person's well-being is promoted, taking their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs into account.
Adult at Risk – a person aged 18 or over who is considered in need of care and support (regardless of whether they are in receipt of this) and because of those needs are less able to protect themselves against abuse or harm.
Abuse – a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by another person or persons.
Capacity – the ability to make decisions at a particular time, such as under considerable stress. The assumption is that a person has the capacity to make decisions unless it can be established that they lack the capacity (MCA 2005).
The following outlines the types of abuse and neglect (Care Act, 2014) that may apply to skydiving:
· Discrimination
· Organisational abuse
· Physical abuse
· Sexual abuse
· Financial or material abuse
· Neglect
· Emotional or psychological abuse
· Self-neglect
This policy has been formulated based on relevant legislation, policies, and guidance aimed at safeguarding adults in England, along with input from British Skydiving and the Safeguarding Adults Board. Skydive Ireland operates in accordance with the British Skydiving Operations Manual for all operational aspects. It is imperative that all employees within the company read and understand this policy, including any updates or amendments. It is the responsibility of all individuals covered by this policy to ensure compliance with the outlined measures. The PTO (Parachute Training Organization) holds the responsibility for establishing and enforcing the safeguarding policy, ensuring adherence by all participants in skydiving activities.
This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies, procedures, guidance and other related documents.
· Skydive Ireland Safeguarding Adults Policy
· Skydive Ireland Code of Conduct (Staff & Volunteers)
· Skydive Ireland Code of Conduct (Customers & Visitors)
· Skydive Ireland Grievance Policy & Disciplinary Procedures
· Skydive Ireland Modern Slavery Policy
· Skydive Ireland Whistleblowing Policy
At Skydive Ireland, we firmly believe in ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone in our community. It is our duty to uphold the welfare of all individuals, ensuring their safety and practicing in a manner that safeguards them. We understand that the welfare of each person is of utmost importance. Regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation, every adult has the right to protection from any form of harm or abuse. We acknowledge that certain individuals may be more vulnerable due to past experiences, level of dependency, communication needs, or other factors, and that some disabled adults may not recognize themselves as 'at risk'. We are committed to respecting the rights, dignity, and value of all adults. Any allegations will be treated seriously and will be addressed following the established safeguarding procedures.
All individuals within Skydive Ireland have an obligation to report any safeguarding concerns to the designated Safeguarding Lead, owners of the Parachute Training Organisation, or the assigned Chief Instructor, and actively engage in any safeguarding measures. The Skydive Ireland Safeguarding Procedure must be adhered to when there is reasonable suspicion of a safeguarding issue or concern. It is essential to assess whether staff, volunteers, customers, and visitors are adequately safeguarded from exploitative behaviour and are always treated professionally.
Any employee with concerns regarding someone's welfare must communicate with the Safeguarding Lead, owners of the Parachute Training Organisation, or the designated Chief Instructor. This conversation will be documented and securely stored with password protection to maintain confidentiality. The record should indicate agreements on actions and timelines, or reasons for taking no action. Additionally, all actions taken must be recorded and reviewed until the issue is resolved.
In cases of immediate risk, the police and British Skydiving must be notified promptly. All staff are expected to fully participate in any safeguarding actions. It is the responsibility of the Parachute Training Organisation to inform relevant agencies as necessary, which may include the local authority and/or police. The designated Safeguarding Lead must identify the appropriate contact details for local safeguarding services. British Skydiving must be informed promptly if there is an allegation against an employee or instructor.
Our actions:
· In situations of immediate risk, prompt notification must be given to the police and British Skydiving.
· All employees are required to actively engage in any safeguarding measures.
· It is the duty of the Parachute Training Organisation to inform relevant agencies as necessary, including the local authority and/or police.
· The assigned Safeguarding Lead must ascertain the appropriate contact details for local safeguarding services.
· Immediate notification to British Skydiving is necessary in the event of an allegation against an employee or instructor.
· Recording, storing, and utilizing information must be conducted professionally and securely, in compliance with data protection legislation and guidance.
· Ensuring awareness of how and where to report concerns is essential.
· Utilizing our safeguarding procedures to communicate concerns and pertinent information with agencies as needed.
· Employing our procedures to handle any allegations against staff appropriately.
· Implementation of effective complaint and whistleblowing mechanisms is imperative.
· Ensuring a safe physical environment by adhering to health and safety measures as per legal requirements and regulatory guidance.
· Cultivating a safeguarding culture where mutual respect is upheld, and individuals feel comfortable sharing concerns.
The primary responsibility for safeguarding within Skydive Ireland must be designated by the PTO. The management team of the PTO is informed about and concurs with the selection of the designated safeguarding lead, namely: TBC.
Staff at Skydive Ireland are presently not mandated to have Disclosure and Vetting clearance. However, the safeguarding lead must maintain a valid DBS check. These checks undergo review every three years. All staff members will undergo fundamental safeguarding training, which will be refreshed every two years or in the event of legislative changes. New staff will receive a safeguarding briefing upon starting their employment, as part of the induction process.
Instructors and coaches bear a duty of care and are always accountable for the well-being of their students. They will maintain a professional demeanour, ensuring students feel at ease and are treated with respect. Instructors and coaches are obligated to participate in safeguarding training provided by the Parachute Training Organisation. Upon completion, instructors will acknowledge their understanding of the Instructor's Code of Practice and Safeguarding Policy by signing a training sheet.
Skydive Ireland will embrace a duty of care towards its employees, volunteers, customers, and visitors, ensuring prompt and confidential handling of any potential allegations, with utmost respect and dignity. Skydive Ireland acknowledges its obligation to provide safeguarding training to its staff and ensure that all instructors have familiarized themselves with and followed the Skydive Ireland Safeguarding Adult Policy and British Skydiving Form 288, along with any subsequent updates. The PTO will furnish the Instructor Code of Practice annually and request a signature to confirm acknowledgment and compliance. The Safeguarding Lead will ensure that practices align with current and relevant legislation.
As the governing body for sport parachuting, British Skydiving is committed to promoting safeguarding within Parachute Training Organizations (PTOs) and ensuring that instructors adhere to the Instructor Code of Practice. All British Skydiving instructors undergo rigorous training and are expected to always maintain a professional demeanour. British Skydiving values the equality and diversity of all association members.
Safeguarding Lead Name: Ailbhe Cosbey
Phone/email: hello@skydiveireland.com